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  • ADDRESS Madison Avenue Florist
    4900 Madison Avenue
    Sacramento, CA, 95841
  • CALL US (916) 348-0777
 Crazy for You Bouquet with Red Roses

Crazy for You Bouquet with Red Roses


Drive her wild with this Crazy for You Bouquet with Red Roses, a gorgeous arrangement that embodies the boundless spirit of love. This bouquet features red roses, pink carnations, and other romantic favorites, creating a stunning display that expresses passion and affection. Delivered in a silver reflections vase, this bouquet is not only beautiful but also a cherished keepsake. With our same-day flower delivery, you can effortlessly send Crazy for You Bouquet, allowing the recipient to be captivated by the beauty of these red roses and romantic blooms promptly. It's a perfect choice for expressing your love and making a lasting impression on someone special.


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