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  • ADDRESS Madison Avenue Florist
    4900 Madison Avenue
    Sacramento, CA, 95841
  • CALL US (916) 348-0777
Teleflora's Rose Rapture

Teleflora's Rose Rapture


Indulge in the captivating beauty of Teleflora's Rose Rapture bouquet, a stunning arrangement that combines the elegance of lavender and various shades of pink roses. This enchanting bouquet features lavender roses, light pink roses, pink roses, light pink spray roses, and lavender spray roses, accentuated with a touch of assorted greenery. The harmonious blend of colors and the exquisite arrangement make Rose Rapture a truly romantic and sophisticated gift. With our same-day flower delivery service, you can effortlessly send this bouquet to express your love, whether celebrating a special occasion or simply conveying your heartfelt sentiments. At approximately 17 inches, the bouquet is a graceful expression of beauty and affection.

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